Sister Frances Dominica Remains Patron to guide and Advise React Children's Charity

Since its foundation in 1989, React has provided basic essential equipment to low ­income families caring for a terminally ill child. The charity was formed through the inspiration of Sister Frances Dominica and believes that every child should enjoy a quality of life, no matter how short that life may be.

Sister Frances has guided and advised React on all aspects of children’s palliative care.

There has been extensive press coverage relating to unfounded allegations concerning Sister Frances Dominica, which she has always wholly denied.

React has been aware of these allegations since they were first made, and Sister Frances has shared information, papers and contact details so we may make an informed and independent assessment of her suitability to remain associated with the charity.

To date, we have found no reason to exclude her from any activities within React and following a lengthy police investigation in July 2014, the matter is now closed and no charges were made.

However, the children’s hospice she founded insisted on the resignation of Sister Frances and advised that this was “a requirement of the CQC”. I wrote to the CQC to verify the truth of such a claim and their reply was to state categorically that there was no requirement from the CQC to prevent Sister Frances from working at Helen & Douglas House.            (See Link)

Sister Frances founded the work of React and she continues to work with us and brings great comfort into the lives of many.