Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions which we hope will answer your queries about our application process. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for below, please telephone or email us and a member of our team will be happy to help you.

Who can apply?

React can assist low-income families who are caring for a child diagnosed with a life-shortening illness. The charity may only assist where families are in financial need and their child is living with an illness that has the potential to shorten their lifespan.

What can I apply for?

React will consider any item that is a basic, essential need and unavailable from any other source. This may include specialist equipment, domestic items, educational aids, respite breaks, hospital travel and end of life/memorial costs.

When can I apply to React again?

React can provide assistance throughout a child’s lifetime and there is no time limit between applications. Families are welcome to submit another request straight away.

Can I apply for more than one item?

You are welcome to request more than one item on your application but we do recommend placing these items in priority order within your form.

What is the maximum amount you can apply for?

React does not have an amount threshold and there is no maximum limit. Families are welcome to apply for whatever is required for their child’s care, as long as the request is for a basic, essential need.

Who can endorse my application?

React can accept endorsements from qualified medical or healthcare professionals. These can range from Social Workers, GPs, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Paediatricians etc.

How can I apply for a React Holiday?

To apply for a React Holiday, please complete our standard application form. If you do have a preferred date and holiday site in mind, make sure to include this in your request and we will try our best to accommodate you.

How long does it take to receive a response?

React aims to respond within 48 hours or, in urgent cases, a same day response can be given.

What is the age limit?

React can assist children up to the age of 18 years old.

How can I submit an application?

React can accept applications either by post (Building 3, Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 5YA) or by scanning and sending your application via email to

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“I hope the funds raised contribute towards the outstanding work the charity does for terminally ill children. I intend to participate in another triathlon in aid of REACT.”

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Actor Endorsement from David Hasselhoff

David Hasselhoff

“To all my friends at React, keep up the good work!”


Why not help support React at your local Parkrun event? Get fit, have fun and raise money to support children living with life-limiting illnesses. By signing up, we will send you a fundraising pack with a free React T-shirt to help you with your fundraising. Join now and get running for React!

Are You Looking For Support?

Click on the application button to find everything you need to apply for assistance.

REACT Childrens Charity Logo
Together for Short Lives Logo
Give with Confidence Logo