Despite an uneasy feeling throughout her pregnancy, doctors assured Mum Leanne nothing appeared out of the ordinary. However, when Cody did not cry nor feed soon after birth, it quickly became clear all was not well. Cody was immediately taken to the hospital’s special care ward, before transfer to Newcastle Children’s Hospital for genetic testing.

Following a series of tests, Cody was found to have a defective chromosome, and he was also diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome. After a prolonged stay in hospital, Cody’s health improved and his feeding tube was removed. Cody was gradually introduced to solid foods, after which Leanne received the wonderful news that Cody could go home. This relief was to be short lived.

Leanne checked Cody’s SATS some nights after discharge to find his blood oxygen levels were dangerously low and he was rushed back into hospital, which signalled the severity of Cody’s condition and the true nature of his illness was questioned. Cody was again fitted with a feeding tube to administer essential nutrition and fluids, although the true cause of his illness remains uncertain. Leanne told us: “Doctors say they have never seen a case like Cody’s and because of the complexity, treatment is limited”.

In spite of the health issues Cody must face, this little man, now aged four has a sunny personality, and he attends school where he is popular with fellow pupils and teachers. Leanne told us: “He has come on a lot since starting school and he lights up the room with his smile and giggles”.

Gaining weight remains a challenge for Cody and following consultation with a dietician, a fully blended diet was recommended using a high-power blender to acquire the necessary consistency for his PEG feeds. Leanne turned to React who were quick to help. “Hearing React could help was overwhelming news as the correct blender was so desperately needed to make Cody’s feeds suitable for him”.

We were delighted to help with this essential blender and the family feels more confident thanks to React’s support. As Leanne puts it: “I am more hopeful for the future and as each day goes on, we feel as though we are in a much better place”.

If you require basic essential equipment for your child, please don’t hesitate to get in touch –  Applications • REACT