Thank you for supporting React’s work. Anything you can give, big or small, makes a huge difference to terminally ill children. Read on to find out how you can make a donation.
We can accept online donations by credit or debit card via WorldPay (click on the ‘Donate Now‘ button below) or donate via CAFOnline.
Alternatively, by visiting this link you can set up your own fundraising page for React at Just Giving
Donations by cheque should be made payable to ‘React’ and then sent to the address below.
If you are happy for us to claim the Gift Aid on your donation, (React can reclaim 25p for each £1 you give), then please complete the declaration form which you can view and print here.
Building 3, Chiswick Park
566 Chiswick High Road
W4 5YA
If you wish to donate by bank transfer, please use the following details:
Account Name: REACT
Account Number: 00886556
Sort Code: 20-72-33
Regular donations really help to make a BIG difference by making a regular gift through a standing order. To begin making a regular donation please download and complete the React Standing Order Form and send to the address above.
To make a donation by phone or if you would like to find out about other ways you might help React, please telephone 020 8940 2575 or email us. Please mention if you discovered React through our website.
A gift in your Will can make a very real difference to the lives of terminally ill children. For more information on how you can leave a gift to React, click here.
To add a gift to an existing Will, please complete the linked form to attach a Codicil.
Click on the application button to find everything you need to apply for assistance.